• Facilities and Operations Committee


    Board Members

    Director Gary Hollands - Chair

    Director Julia Brim-Edwards

    Director Herman Greene

    Director Eddie Wang


    District Student Council Representatives 

    Eesa Taylor, Alina Luu, and Luz Culvert-Nusser


    Meetings of the board’s Facilities and Operations Committee have been scheduled* for the following dates:

    All meetings are on Wednesdays at 4:30 pm, except where noted.  Committee meetings are open to the public and are streamed live at  


    • August 21 (Monday)
    • September 20
    • October 25 (Canceled)
    • November 15  (Canceled)
    • December 6


    • January 24
    • February 21 (moved to 2/28)
    • February 28 @ 6 pm  (rescheduled from 2/21)
    • March 20
    • April 17
    • May 31
    • June 26


    *All dates are subject to change.  Please check the Public Notices webpage 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.