Title IIIA - English Learners and Immigrant Youth
Title III-A for English Learners and Recent Arrivers
Student Eligibility Lists are due on April 26th, 2024
Language Use Surveys
The State of Oregon honors the languages and cultures of its people and respects all languages in our schools. We encourage the revitalization and preservation of indigenous languages and multilingualism.
This document will allow the school to determine if your student qualifies for screening to receive additional instruction to learn the English language.
English | Arabic | Chinese | Russian | Somali | Spanish | Vietnamese
Forms and Resources
- : Private school English Language Learners eligibility form
- :Private school Recent Arrivers eligibility form
- Private School Participation in ELPA Testing: Summary and fact sheet for ELPA testing
- : Online access to Professional Development modules and activities related to English Language Acquisition and Development.