• Title 1 Family Engagement Plan 2022-23

    This plan outlines a variety of ways that Woodlawn is working with our community to keep them informed of the academic, social emotional and partnership opportunities at school.

    1. Parenting: Support all families to establish home environments to support children as students.


    Description of Activity



    Evaluation/Implementation of Parental Training


    Math Game Night

    Math teachers


    Allow parents to participate in math related games with their student

    Increase parent capacity to support at home with math

    Back to School Night

    All Staff


    Parents hear about programs at the school; participate in ESL and/or TAG Family Night info. Sign up for a conference with the teacher. Preview topics of learning for the year

    Meet teacher, connect to school, meet other staff supporting their student

    Donuts w/ Families

    Classroom Staff


    Uniting families during morning drop off, celebrating all families and caregivers 

    Increased engagement, improved attendance, strengthen connections

    Kindergarten Home Visits

    Kindergarten Team


    Meet families, discuss strengths and dreams for new student

    Increased engagement, begin partnership with school

    1. Communication:  Design effective forms of school-to-home and home-to-school communication about school programs and children’s progress.


    Description of Activity



    Evaluation/Implementation of Parental Training




    Sending out general school info every Wednesday in paper and digital copies based on parent preference

    Up to date on activities and events and opportunities

    Wednesday folders


    Sending home info relevant to both the school and the individual student weekly

    Predictable and reliable information day for families

    School Messenger


    Nudge of just in time info for families. Reminders, Important timely updates, Invitations, etc.

    Increased participation of families


    1. Volunteering: Recruit and organize family help and support.


    Description of Activity



    Evaluation/Implementation of Parental Training


    PTA Volunteer Survey 


    Partnered with PTA to learn more about parent involvement and how they would like to volunteer 

    Specific info on how parents prefer to volunteer, when and where.

    Recruit parents to help with clothing closet


    Partner with PTA to get the word out about volunteer opportunities with Marshall Clothing Closet 

    Give parents opportunity to volunteer outside of woodlawn 

    Identify parent volunteers for classrooms


    Give parents opportunities to volunteer in classes by assisting teacher with gathering supplies, assist with projects, make copies

    Allow parents to volunteer on a more flexible schedule

    Literacy Tutor Volunteers


    Provide training and opportunity for supporting in the K-1 classroom with a focus on literacy

    More supports for struggling readers at the Early Primary levels

    1. Learning at Home: Provide information and ideas to families about how to help students at home with homework and other curriculum-related activities, deciding and planning.


    Description of Activity



    Evaluation/Implementation of Parental Training


    Teacher skill survey 


    Identify skills that teachers expect from students, build parent resources based off data

    Kids have deeper focus on expectations and skills that parents can assist with 

    Parent student tutorial workshop 


    Host workshop for parents and students to practice doing homework together, build skills for both parent and student to practice together

    Students and parents can practice building skills together 

    Math Game Night

    Math Teachers


    Parents play games with children under the guidance of the math teacher. Some take-home games and ideas provided to families

    Parents see/use skills students are using

    Unit descriptor Sheets for ELA and Math

    Content teachers


    Pages sent home at the start of a new unit in ELA and Math that explain standard and give examples of skills and strategies that will be used

    Parents see what the learning targets are for the unit; skills and strategies that the student will be using


    1. Decision Making: Activities to extend family leadership skills and roles on school committees, and include the voices of all families on school decisions and advocacy issues.


    Description of Activity



    Evaluation/Implementation of Parental Training


    Site council 


    Recruit more parents to join site council 

    Elevate parent and community voices 

    Parent meeting with SUN partnership 


    Meet with SUN families to help include voices from our families of color

    Deeper focus on voices from communities of color

    Surveys and Feedback sessions at evening events


    Provide opportunities at designated evening events to gather info and feedback from families on specific focal topics or in general

    Ongoing communication loop

    Parent ideas included in newsletter for any interested parents


    Parents think of initiatives and lead with volunteers (OBOB, Green Team, basketball, etc.)

    Opportunities for parents to initiate and lead


    1. Collaborating with the Community:  Coordinate resources and services from the community for families, students and the school and provider services to the community.


    Description of Activity



    Evaluation/Implementation of Parental Training


    Housing partnership


    Explore relationship with housing nonprofits/partners in order to ease families in housing search

    Allow families easier access to affordable housing

    Sports teams partnership


    Explore relationship with kids athletics organizations in order to provide kids affordable  access to sports after school, during summer

    Allow families access to sports as an extracurricular 

    Experience Corp and SMART


    Initiatives that support reading instruction by matching a tutor with a student

    Increased engagement in reading

    OR Food Bank Site


    Food resources for families, voluntary participation




    SUN school partner and family service provider (training, incentives, insecurities, higher ed)