RRT logoRRT is a district wide Tier III Behavioral Support resource for school based teams housed in Student Success and Health. RRT  partners with school based staff to stabilize tier III behaviors, develop student centered plans for intervention and skills building and help school based staff strengthen tiered supports for successful student experiences in their neighborhood schools.

    We seek to:

    • Create a culturally responsive and trauma-informed referral experience for the referred student by
    • Modeling and coaching(for/with) school staff on the implementation of tiered interventions, best practices and resources for student growth to
    • Increase the capacity and confidence of school teams to sustainably replicate tiered strategies, tools and interventions for any student in their school community.
  • Referral Requirements

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    Team Consensus and Commitment: All relevant team members (e.g., Teacher, Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor) must be aware of and agree that a referral to RRT is necessary. They must also commit to actively participating in the process, which may include classroom observations, coaching, implementing interventions and strategies, and attending multiple meetings.

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    Senior Director Notification: The Senior Director of Schools must be notified of the referral.

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    Caregiver Awareness: The student's caregiver must be informed of the school's concerns and notified that their student is being referred to the RRT.

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    Caregiver Consent: The caregiver must have signed the consent form for RRT involvement or have been provided with the consent form and be in the process of considering their consent.

  • Please note: IF the student who demonstrates high risk behaviors has been found eligible for Special Education and has an implemented IEP, please do NOT refer to RRT.  Instead, contact your designated Special Education staff for support. The Special Education Department will be the team's point of contact and RRT may be engaged by SpEd as a thought partner.  See FAQ below for more details regarding this.


    RRT Process

    1. 1

      Complete Referral Form: School Administrator or appointed staff fills out the RRT Referral Form.

    2. 2

      Schedule Initial Meeting: RRT arranges a virtual intake meeting with the school team and assigned RRT staff.

    3. 3

      Conduct Assessment: RRT performs observations, collects data, and assesses needs with the school team.

    4. 4

      Share Referral Report: RRT provides a referral report for the school team to review and use in developing a Student Plan.

    5. 5

      Implement Plan: School team executes the plan with RRT support through coaching, modeling, and regular communication.

    6. 6

      Review Progress: RRT and school team meet regularly to evaluate progress, track data, and adjust the Student Plan as needed.

    7. 7

      Close Referral: Referral is closed when data shows stabilization, maintenance, and growth according to criteria.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are there other Tier III supports a school team can access (aside from contacting RRT)?

  • Should I call the Tier III Support Services (RRT) Team if a student or staff member is at imminent risk of harm?

  • Does RRT serve students identified for Special Education Services?

  • What type of behaviors or situations does RRT typically help to address?

  • Can RRT provide 1:1 support for a student?

For Additional Support, Contact:

RRT Office Hours

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RRT Resources