By building on your prior knowledge of math concepts from other courses, Financial Literacy will help you learn the time value of money, how to evaluate the best cell phone contract, how to build a business plan by knowing costs, profits, and breakeven points, and much more.
This course features ten units under six financial umbrellas: Investing, Banking, Credit, Income Taxes, Insurance, and Household Budgeting. It reviews and strengthens your algebra mechanics and problem-solving skills, while at the same time teaches you selected advanced mathematics topcs such as piecewise functions, regression, limits, exponential functions, linear/quadratic systems, and more.
First Semester
Unit 1 The Stock Market
Target 1 Target 2 Target 3 Unit Test
HW# 1 Open account with and buy at least 1 stock
HW# 2 Have at least five transactions
HW# 3 Have at least 10 different stocks on your portfolio
Unit 2 Modeling a Business
HW# 4 Diversify your stock = at least 4 different categories
HW# 5 Buy more stock - your cash balance should be less than $200.00
Unit 3 Banking Services
HW# 6 Do at least 5 sell, 5 buy (Replace the lowest performance of 5 stock in your portfolio)
HW# 7 Cash back: Increase your cash balance (at least $2000.00) while maintaining 10 stocks
HW# Stock Final We need to end this stock experiment --> Cash all out and make sure you have profit. You have to pay back 10K
Project 1 - Goto google classroom Report on your portfolio - Sample
Unit 4 Consumer Credit
HW# 8 Look for 3 car you like within your budget range and its locations. Post it in your google class
HW# 9 Look for 3 lending institutions that offer used car loan and find its term and auto loan's rate
Unit 5 Automobile Ownership
Target 10 Target 11 Target 12 Unit Test
HW# 10 Create spreadsheet for car purchasing with loan rate
HW# 11 Calculate the monthly payments (show work) for the three loans on HW# 9, with and without 20% of down payment
HW# 12 Adding column of total depreciation and total payment after 3 years
Unit 6 Employment Basics
HW# 13 Do gain/lost analysis and decision to sell - Check your car's value
HW# 14 Write an adverstisment to sell
Project 2 Story of your car - Sample
Second Semsester
Unit 7 Independent Living
HW# 15 Pretend that you have a job: List a detail of its wage and benefit, specify weekly, monthly income
HW# 16 Describe your residential living and its payment
Unit 8 Prepare a Budget
HW# 17 List your fix utilities expenses (monthly spending)
HW# 18 List your fix daily expenses and occasional expenses
Unit 9 Income Tax
Form 1040 Schedule A Schedule B
HW# 19 List of things that you want to have in future and its budgeting to achieve
HW# 20 Prepare a budget spreasheet
Project 3 Personal Budget Plan
Unit 10 Theoretical Probability / Counting rules (MTH 105)
HW# 21
HW# 22
Unit 11 Statistic: Measures of Central Tendencies and Spread (MTH 105)
HW# 23
HW# 24
Unit 12 Language and Rules of Logic (MTH 105)
Target 25 Target 26 Target 27 Unit Test
HW# 25
HW# 26
Project 4
Grading weight
Class work: Targets 40%
Projects (Homework) 10%
Assessment / Test 45%
- Assessment is at the end of Target.
- Test is at the end of Unit
Participate 5%
Grading Scale:
Using ½ûÂþÌìÌà Total Points (A-F) with D structure