Great Schools, Great Neighborhoods

  • Open house

    ½ûÂþÌìÌà has great neighborhood schools where most families find their best fit. Neighborhood schools as well as focus option schools, including language immersion and schools focused on the arts or sciences, offer open houses also called Connect to Kindergarten or 5th or 8th grade information sessions.

    Open houses

    Connect to Kinder 

    Heading to Middle School


  • Call:

    English:          503-916-3205
    Español:         503-916-3205
    Ti?ng Vi?t:     503-916-3584
    ÖÐÎÄ:                503-916-3585
    §²§å§ã§ã§Ü§Ú§Û:        503-916-3205
    Soomaali:      503-916-3586 


    Visit: Enrollment & Transfer Center at 501 N. Dixon St, Suite 140